Sir, – The Allertonshire Civic Society would wish to express its support for the prospect of a vigorous and foresighted retail and business forum in the town.

For too long Northallerton has lacked any cohesive voice from this important section of society on the many issues posed in the current financial and social scene and their impact upon economic efficiency and quality of life.

Individuals and individual companies have spoken out about parking and parking charges.

Others have voiced concerns about the traffic congestion already posed, notably at the Low Gates level crossing, and in anticipation of the hiatus potentially posed by the extensive housing development envisaged for the north end of the town.

A stronger and more directed voice from a proposed chamber of trade could generate more influence upon the political decision makers at county and district level in a way that the Strategic Partnership apparently does not.

As a civic society we are concerned with these large and general issues and have raised our voice through your columns in the past.

We are hopeful that a forum would also look inwards and seek to address the smaller, more qualitative issues that are affected by some business and retail outlets and reduce the attractiveness of the town to outside investors, market customers and tourists.

For example, we may cite the proliferation of signage around the approaches to the town, the closure of the toilets on the main Applegarth car park, some increasingly garish advertisements in shop windows that detract from the essential quality of our High Street, and particularly the ‘to let’ signs above many of our shop fronts.

Our local businesses reap what they sow. Poor low-grade advertisement does not attract, let alone retain custom.

So we wish the chamber of trade well in its formation and endeavours in the hope that it will not be entirely self-interested, but will work generally and generously for the common good as befitting of our county town.

JOHN EDWARDS Press Officer, Allertonshire Civic Society.