Sir, – I write in response to Gina Ramsbottom’s letter in last week’s D&S (Oct 26) re the Police and Crime Commissioner elections to endorse the views that she expressed.

Unlike her I have not received any literature, other than a voting card, and so do not know who is standing or indeed what the commissioner will be responsible for.

Does North Yorkshire get its own commissioner or will it be lumped in with a much wider group of police forces?

I was also under the impression that the commissioner would be independent but now it seems that the majority of candidates are being sponsored by the three main political parties.

If so, then surely the commissioner will be duty bound to dictate policing policy based on party lines?

We should be making the various police forces more cohesive not forcing them apart through yet more political interference.

I firmly believe that the whole thing is a waste of time and money and should be scrapped immediately before even more of our limited public financial resources are frittered away on what will no doubt become yet another fatcat layer of bureaucracy.

Will I bother to vote? Probably, as I have spent most of my adult life defending the right to do so, but only for a truly independent candidate who might just be free of party political interference.

ROBERT CARTER Brompton, Northallerton