Sir, – I am writing to ask why the issue of CPL (Chancel Repair Liability), which affects some 40 per cent of English parishes, has not been mentioned to any great extent in the media.

As regards our village of Felixkirk in North Yorkshire, several people have had a CRL notice imposed on them via the Parochial Church Council from the powers that be.

If these people do not endeavour to the best of their ability to comply with the directive to obtain funds for chancel repairs from those listed then the burden of the expense falls to them.

In discussions with the PCC, a case in l970 (Aston Cantlow) keeps being mentioned.

In spite of trying to come to some financial arrangement with the church, and then having to resort to court action, a Mr and Mrs Wallbank were deemed to be liable for repairs to the tune of £186,986 plus VAT and costs, in addition to the £200,000 they spent over the years fighting the case.

This is an archaic law and very disturbing and frightening to those listed as it seems that any amount of repairs the church decides to carry out can be charged with no upper limit.

It would also appear that people not yet on the list are not safe either.

Needless to say this also affects the value and saleability of people’s property.

At the recent debate at Westminster on Chancel Repair Liability, called by Peter Luff MP, only four other people were present, including Helen Grant, who is Under Secretary of State for Justice and who had to be there.

Only three MPs turned up for this important debate that will potentially affect 40 per cent of their constituents (not to mention themselves).

The vast majority of the public who are affected are totally unaware that the liability falls on them.

We need to get this issue publicised and the law changed.

(Mrs) T SHIPLEY Felixkirk, Thirsk