THE centralising of stroke services for County Durham in Durham City has been one of the most difficult political decisions taken by the county’s health managers.

The battle over whether the central service should be in Darlington or Durham has awakened some ancient enmities between the county’s two biggest population centres.

But if Darlington lost out in the end, it should not feel the process has been unfair. The decision has been taken on clinical grounds alone.

It was never an option for two hyper-acute stroke centres to survive in the county. Government guidance has been clear.

Every region should have one centre of excellence providing the best service with clinicians – nationally in short supply – working in the optimum conditions. And those are in Durham.

The hospital in Durham has better facilities than Darlington at present and they can be improved further. And Durham is centrally placed for the county as a whole.

Overall, stroke patients in the county will receive an improved service. Provided stroke victims in the south of the county are reassured about journey times, the decision should be welcomed as a step towards better care.